General Info – summary This widespread Tree is up to 20m high with bark that becomes reddish brown and fissured. Shiny, simple Leaves with a 3-veined, asymmetric base & stipules that produce paired thorns – 1 straight and 1 curved. 5-merous bisexual yellowish-green Flowers are regular & in cymes. 5 stamens are present. A single […]
General Info – summary This usually much branched Tree is usually up to 7m high with cone-shaped knobs with sharp spines. When crushed the imparipinnate Leaves smell of citrus and have visible gland dots on the margins. Leaflets increase in size towards the apex. Unisexual, 4-merous, greenish white Flowers develop in panicles. Fruit is a […]
General Info – summary This magnificent frost sensitive evergreen & wide spreading Tree has a roundish canopy & may reach 18m+ high. It usually has several combined trunks. Imparipinnate Leaves have leaflets with entire margins & asymmetric bases. Creamy-white, bisexual, zygomorphic & 5-merous Flowers are in axillary racemes and have superior ovaries & short styles. […]
General Info – summary This resinous, fire sensitive & monoecious Tree is up to 40m high & 1m in diameter. The fibrous bark is reddish grey and tends to flake. Young Leaves are initially needle-like, become decussate, adpressed and scale like. Small Male cones have 6 pairs of peltate (shield-shaped) & coriaceous scales. Female cones […]
General Info – summary This monoecious bush/Tree has aromatic resin reddish underbark & may reach 15m high locally. Young needle-like Leaves are light green. Older scale-like leaves are appressed & near branch ends. Each of the scales on the small Male cones contains 4 pollen sacs with wind dispersed pollen. In the Female cones, the […]
General Information – summary This glabrous, evergreen Tree with aromatic, peppery bark is up to 12m high and has lenticel bulges. Bark becomes rough and peppery. Simple Leaves have entire margins and lack stipules. Small bisexual Flowers have 3 sepals and 10 petals. Ten anthers extend from a staminal tube, and the single pistil has […]