Tree SA

Who are we?

This is My Story

My intention here is to provide interested persons with details that, because of space restraints, are not all available collectively in text books or on all websites at the moment. In brackets, I have included explanations for some of the fairly formidable vocabulary used in many descriptions. Even though I trained in Botany I still found this a time-consuming task. Some of the websites are difficult for the non-professional to understand. I am currently attempting to include somewhat detailed flower descriptions and photos which are not in most text books or on the web.

So far, this site has been completely my own effort and has taken 3 years to develop. However, the photographic sections will never be complete and here you can help. I have now had an inkling of what the many people have had to go through in preparing a text book and am very grateful for all their work – without which my task would have been almost impossible. I am also grateful to those who are tree custodians – I salute you all.  If you send me your relevant pictures, any that are included on this web site will also be accompanied by your name. Even though my training is in Botany, most of my pictures have been taken at botanical gardens where there is, hopefully, less chance of ID errors.

If you see any errors or have any questions or suggestions on what is shown, please provide me with feedback so that I can correct or extend the information provided. I have avoided saying where Cycads and other critically endangered species have been photographed or are located for security reasons.

Latest Posts

Macphersonia hildebrandtii

General Info Shrub or mall Tree to 8m, with grey to dark brown bark.  Alternate, imparipinnate and bipinnate Leaves lack stipules, are up to 25cm long and have small leaflets with asymmetric bases.  Very small whitish Flowers are dioecious.  Male has conspicuous...


General Info - summary Shrub or mall Tree to 8m, with grey to dark brown bark.  Alternate, imparipinnate and bipinnate Leaves lack stipules, are up to 25cm long and have small leaflets with asymmetric bases.  Very small whitish Flowers are dioecious.  Male has...

Dracaena fragrans

General Info - summary This Tree is usually less than 15m high with a narrow stem & occurs in moist frost-free forests away from the sea.  Bark is silver-green & smooth.  Strap shaped Leaves at branch ends have parallel veins + amplexicaul base.  Insect...

Kirkia acuminata

General Info Insert General Info Here Description Previous Names: Kirkia pubescens, Kirkia acuminata var. pubescens. SA Tree No. 267. Common names:  (Afr) Witsering.  (Eng) Common Kirkia, White seringa, White syringe, White Kirkia. (Northern Sotho) Modumela....

Kirkia acuminata

General Info - summary This candelabra shaped attractive monoecious Tree with its straight trunk and blunt ending flexible branches, is up to 19m high with a diameter to 0,8m.  The imparipinnate acuminate and deciduous Leaves are spectacular in autumn.  Staminodes are...

Jubaeopsis caffra

General Info - summary This rare species is a rough barked, monoecious, evergreen Tree up to 8m high.  The crown may spread to 7m wide.  The pinnately compound Leaves are up to 6m long.  Long leaflets have no prickles and are lanceolate & entire.  Lowermost leaves...

Inhambanella henriquesii

General Info - summary The straight, unfluted, spineless Tree has milky sap & is up to 30m high.  Simple glabrous shiny & variable shaped Leaves are entire, and stipules are caducous.  Bisexual regular Flowers with 5 whitish petals, develop in leaf axils or on...

Melia azedarach

General Info - summary This shallow rooted, deciduous Tree is up to 15m high with a wider canopy.  The bark becomes deeply fissured and dark.  Compound Leaves are bipinnate.  Bisexual 5-merous sweet scented lilac coloured Flowers are actinomorphic, have 10 stamens and...

Hypericum roeperianum

General Info - summary This thickly branched, monoecious Tree, with fissured bark, may reach 5m high.  The simple, decussate, evergreen, and widely spaced Leaves have decurrent leaf bases and lack stipules.  Bisexual, 5-merous and regular Flowers have green sepals and...

Philenoptera violacea

General Info - summary This graceful Tree is up to 20m high.  Damaged parts may releases a red sap.  Bark and roots are toxic.  The imparipinnate greyish Leaves have up to 3 pairs of opposite leaflets with a much larger single end one.  The whitish, blue or violet,...