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RSA Tree No. 689.1

Family: Rubiaceae. The family has in excess of 600 genera and 13 000 species which include Gardenia, Afrocanthium. Pavetta, Rothmannia and coffee. Leaves are opposite, simple, entire and the stipules are located between the 2 opposite leaf petioles on both sides of the stem. Flowers possess an inferior ovary.

Name derivation: Coddia named after L.E.W. Codd the one time director of the Pretoria Botanical Institute (1963-1973). rudis – rough, coarse or rustic. In Southern Africa Coddia rudis is the only species of this genus.

Tree is small – up to 3m+ in this tropical species, but it is usually a dense multi-stemmed shrub with irregular wide arching branches. Bark is smooth, mottled light grey to brown. It may be banded with pale brown or white. Browsing may cause it to become a compact shrub.


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